First Anniversary of Davis Mosaics

Celebrating the First Anniversary of Davis Mosaics at Davis Community Church (DCC) on April 21, 2016.

Amazing things are happening at DCC! While it’s not visible to many in DCC, our faith community has helped to birth a truly amazing ministry in partnership with Rev. Dr. Stephen Moon. The Davis Mosaics, a new worshiping community that reaches out to young adults, has grown from 2 members to an average of 40 members in the span of 12 months!!! The Davis Mosaics will eventually be a program utilizing the space created within Mosaic Tea & Coffee for their gatherings.

On April 21, 2015, DCC approved this experiment to reach out the Millennials (ages 18-35). Since that time, Davis Mosaics has brought more than 200 Mosaics into their fellowship within a year! Check out their one-year anniversary video. We hope it makes you smile and celebrate a new expression of Christianity occurring right here in our midst.

For more information, please visit: Thank you. Copyright © 2016 Davis Mosaics. All Rights Reserved.

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Mosaics Spring Karaoke Contest

13094167_10206447259756718_3040243929766964133_nWe had a great “Mosaics Spring Karaoke Contest” on Saturday, April 23rd, from 5 to 8:30 pm, at Rurulala Karaoke with 28 Mosaics. The winners were J.E., Kanna, and Carlos. We had a joyful fellowship together in learning foreign languages in singing. Thank you all who joined the event, especially teachers and drivers.

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