2021 Year-End Fundraiser to Support Mosaics!
Happy Thanksgiving!! Happy Holidays!!
It’s a season of giving and we would like to invite you to our fundraiser.
We’re raising $12,000 for Intercultural Mosaics (via our sponsoring church and a partner, Davis Community Church) at FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/donate/201241078839301 and your contribution will make a big impact, whether you donate $5 or $500.
Every little bit helps. Thank you so much for your financial support! <3
If you prefer to make donation to our online donation account directly, please use the following link: https://www.eservicepayments.com/cgi-bin/Vanco_ver3.vps?appver3=wWsk24ZWJSTZKsGd1RMKlg0BDvsSG3VIWQCPJNNxD8upkiY7JlDavDsozUE7KG0nFx2NSo8LdUKGuGuF396vbasZoKVewoWYQhBu2eHzNSCXHubq5Z7ap5JVmPErc4ZeYHCKCZhESjGNQmZ5B-6dx5lg8X-kR8SDRo33hXuTxG8=&ver=3
or you may also write tax-deductible love-offering check(s) payable to:
“Davis Community Church” (for Intercultural Mosaics on the note of your check) and mail your donation to: Janet C. Soller, Interim Finance and HR Administrator, Intercultural Mosaics at Davis Community Church, 412 C Street Davis, CA 95616.
Your generous donation in any amount will be greatly appreciated. For more information about our ministry, please visit our website: www.nextg.org.
For more information about Intercultural Mosaics, please contact Dr. Stephen Moon at 916-217-5470.
Thank you so much again for your support and prayer!