2021 Annual Report to DCC

Mosaics (www.nextg.org) is a New Worshiping Community sponsored by Davis Community Church (DCC) and led by the Rev. Dr. Stephen Moon and supported by the hospitality gifts of Grace Moon.

Moved by a love of Christ, Mosaics originally brought new fresh expressions of the Body of Christ to meet the spiritual needs of Millennials and Gen Zers so that they could be transformed for Christ’s ministries of justice, peace, healing and environmental stewardship for the world. Over time and especially during the pandemic, the Spirit has shifted and expanded the focus. The shift is from Millennials and Gen Zers to a ministry that is multi-ethnic, and cross-cultural. While there is still intentionality with Millennials and Gen Zers because of the lack of attention given to their particular spiritual needs, the new focus is on intercultural ministry. In the midst of the pandemic, the Spirit has also brought a geographic widening. We now have participants who live in other states, even other countries!

Grounded in the theology that God is with us (Immanuel), we’ve wondered what that means for this ministry that is growing in unexpected ways. Mosaics is being planted to provide places to belong, to practice “common good” in meaningful ways, and places to invite and to encounter God in many innovative ways. Most of the time, this year, the “place” was virtual.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, most of Mosaics classes, events and fellowship have converted to Zoom meetings on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 3 pm to 8 pm and continue to attract 5~8 new participants weekly. In addition to 12 weekly Zoom meetings, several small groups have been meeting in-person in the community, keeping social distance. In light of our new realities, Mosaics will continue offering hybrid social opportunities and classes. Currently, over 400 people are registered as participants with weekly participation averaging 70~90 active people who are joining from Mosaics’ 3 meetup sites and the Facebook group for a total of 2000+ members are registered and interacting.

Mosaics’ vision is now to mobilize multi-ethnic persons, especially Millennials (aka “Mosaics” or GenY) and Post-Millennials (aka GenZ), for the Kingdom of God by liberating them through love of God, grace of Jesus Christ, and power of the Holy Spirit. Mosaics’ mission is now to share God’s love and grace in an intercultural ministry that is in-person and hybrid through 10~12 free language, cooking, and music classes, outdoor activities, spirituality-developing events, social gatherings around food and drink, and contemporary worship, so that all experience God’s love and grace.

Over the past 6 years, more than 1,000+ people have come through the DCC campus and checked out Mosaics. Of those about 120 people became active with Mosaics. Mosaics is evangelism—reaching out to to the unchurched. Though not a part of the mission, 5+ people from Davis Mosaics have become members of Davis Community Church and another 10+ people now also worship with DCC.

Mosaics is grateful for ALL that Davis Community Church gives to Davis Mosaics: facilities, staff support, pastoral support, financial resources, all with lots of prayer and encouragement.

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