The Love of Christ That Carries Us: An Advent Story of Hope and Faith

By Rev. Dr. Stephen Moon

The season of Advent is a time of expectant waiting—a time to reflect on promises spoken, fulfilled, and still unfolding. It is a season rich with hope, faith, and the assurance of God’s unchanging love. Today, I invite you to journey with me through two powerful biblical stories: one from the prophet Jeremiah and the other from the Gospel of Luke. Along the way, we’ll explore how God’s love carries us, using the beautiful imagery of the bride’s journey to the groom as a parable for our Advent walk.

Jeremiah’s Time: Finding Hope in Times of Despair

Jeremiah lived during a tough and heartbreaking time. Jerusalem was being attacked, the temple was ruined, and the people of Israel were about to be forced into exile. It felt like despair was everywhere, and hope was nowhere to be seen. But even in this dark moment, Jeremiah brought a message of hope:

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” – Jeremiah 33:3

God’s message through Jeremiah wasn’t just an invitation to pray—it was a call to trust in God’s steadfast love and to believe that even in the most desperate times, God is still at work. Later in the same chapter, God proclaims:

“The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah. In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line; he will do what is just and right in the land. In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which it will be called: The Lord Our Righteous Savior.’ – Jeremiah 33:14–16

This promise of a Messiah—a righteous Branch—was a beacon of hope for a weary people. It reminded them, and reminds us, that hope is not the absence of pain or uncertainty. Hope is the belief that God is still working, even when all seems lost.

Jeremiah 33:3 serves as a reminder that when we call upon God, He answers. He may not reveal every detail of the journey ahead, but He promises to show us great and unsearchable things—truths about His love, His plans, and His kingdom.

Luke’s Mission: The Kingdom Is Near

Centuries after Jeremiah’s prophecy, the promise of a Messiah was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Yet, His mission was not what many expected. Jesus came not as a political revolutionary but as a Savior whose kingdom is built on love, hope, and faith.

In Luke 21, Jesus speaks of signs that will signal His return:

“There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26 People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 27 At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” – Luke 21:25-28

Jesus calls His followers to live with alertness and readiness—not in fear, but in joyful anticipation. Like Jeremiah’s words, His message is one of hope: even in tumultuous times, we can trust that God’s redemption is near.

The Bride’s Journey to the Groom: A Parable of Hope and Faith

Let me share a story from Korean tradition that beautifully illustrates the themes of Advent.

In ancient Korean weddings, the bride was carried to her groom’s home in a gama, a hand-carried wooden carriage. Four men carried the gama, symbolizing the support needed for this sacred journey.

Four porters are carrying a bride on a palanquin, recreating an old scene exactly as it used to be! © Jong-myung Choi

The two carriers at the front represented hope—the belief in a new beginning and the anticipation of what is to come. The two at the back represented faith—the steady trust in the foundation of love and the commitment to the journey, no matter how long or difficult.

As the bride traveled, she could not see the path ahead. She had to trust her carriers completely, believing they would bring her safely to the groom’s home. Her journey was not passive; it was an act of faith. She remained calm and steadfast, knowing the carriers would guide her to a place of joy and union.

This journey mirrors our own Advent walk. We, the bride of Christ, are being carried toward the ultimate union with our Groom. And just as the bride trusted her carriers, we are called to trust God’s promises, calling on Him for guidance and strength.

Jeremiah 33:3 reminds us to “call to me,” to reach out in prayer and trust, just as the bride might call out to her carriers for reassurance. God answers, not always by showing us the full path, but by revealing enough to keep us moving forward in hope and faith.

The Groom Prepares the Way

In ancient Jewish weddings, after a couple got engaged, the groom would leave the bride’s home and spend about a year building a new home for them to live in together. During this time, the bride waited patiently, trusting that her groom was getting everything ready for their future.

Jesus referred to this tradition when He said:

“My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” – John 14:2

Just as the bride trusted the groom’s preparation, we trust that Christ is preparing a place for us. While we wait, we call upon Him, knowing that He hears us and is faithful to His promises.

Three Transformative Lessons for Advent

  1. Call Upon God: Let Hope Lead the Way
    Jeremiah 33:3 teaches us to call upon God in times of uncertainty. Hope is what allows us to lift our heads and see the light breaking through the darkness. Just as the bride’s front carriers symbolize hope, let hope lead us forward in this season of waiting.
  1. Build Your Faith in Action
    Faith is not idle; it is active. Just as the bride trusted her carriers and the groom prepared the home, we are called to actively live out our faith. How can you live your faith this Advent season? Through service, reconciliation, or deepening your relationship with Christ, faith grows when it is exercised.
  1. Celebrate the Joy of Arrival
    The bride’s arrival at the groom’s home is a moment of great joy, just as we anticipate the joy of Christ’s return. Until that day, let us practice gratitude and celebrate the glimpses of God’s kingdom breaking into our lives.

Carried by Love

As we journey through Advent, let us remember that we are carried by the love of Christ. His love sustains us with hope and strengthens us with faith. Let us call upon Him, trust in His promises, and prepare for His coming with open hearts.

And when the journey feels long, may we hear God’s reassuring words:

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” – Jeremiah 33:3

“When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” – Luke 21:28



Refection Summary: The season of Advent is a time of expectant waiting, filled with hope, faith, and the assurance of God’s unchanging love. Through the prophet Jeremiah, we see God’s promise of restoration and the coming of a righteous Messiah, a “Branch” from David’s line who would bring justice and peace. Even during the darkest times of Jerusalem’s destruction and exile—when leaders often misused power and privilege instead of serving God and His people with humility—Jeremiah’s words remind us to call upon God, trusting that He is still at work. This hope is echoed centuries later in Jesus Christ, who fulfilled these promises and assured His followers of redemption, even amidst chaos. In Luke 21, Jesus calls us to lift our heads and live with joyful anticipation, knowing our redemption is near.

This Advent journey can be likened to a bride being carried to her groom in a traditional Korean wedding, supported by carriers symbolizing hope and faith. Like the bride, we cannot always see the path ahead, but we trust that Christ is leading us to a place of joy and union. Just as the groom prepares a home for his bride, Jesus prepares a place for us, calling us to live in active faith and joyful hope as we await His return. Advent reminds us that Christ’s love carries us through every season, even when human leadership falters, guiding us with the promise of His redemption and the joy of His coming kingdom.

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“Synergy of Vision, Design, and Execution: Lessons from Apple’s Leadership and Innovation”

The decline of many churches today calls for a bold reimagining of how we lead, serve, and live out our mission. To do this, we can find inspiration in unexpected places, such as the story of Apple’s transformation. What made Apple a global force wasn’t just its products—it was the synergy of visionary leadership, innovative design, and operational excellence. Steve Jobs dared to dream beyond the ordinary, envisioning a future others couldn’t yet see. Jony Ive took those dreams and translated them into tangible, beautiful, and user-centered designs. Tim Cook ensured those ideas were executed with precision, scalability, and reliability. This trifecta reminds us that no single strength can sustain a mission; it’s the harmony of diverse gifts, united by a shared purpose, that drives true transformation.

For the church, this is a profound call to action. What if we dared to “think different,” not in the pursuit of innovation for its own sake but to rediscover the beauty of the Gospel in ways that resonate with a hurting world? Like Apple, our vision must challenge the status quo, casting a hope-filled picture of what the church can become. We need spiritual “designers” who craft experiences and spaces that are beautiful, welcoming, and rooted in love. We also need “operators” who take care of the details, ensuring the church is sustainable, relevant, and ready to meet the needs of the next generation. The Apostle Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 12 remind us of this truth: “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.” Each member of the body has a role, and when we bring our gifts together, the church becomes more than an institution—it becomes a movement.

The principle of stewardship also calls us to embrace this moment. As 1 Peter 4:10 teaches, we are each entrusted with unique gifts to serve others and glorify God. Imagine a church where every member sees their calling as vital to the whole, where the visionary casts God-sized dreams, the artist shapes them into a living witness, and the builder ensures their longevity. Such a church would not merely survive—it would thrive. By stepping into this transformative synergy, we can breathe new life into declining congregations, leaving a legacy of faith, creativity, and service that reflects the Kingdom of God in its fullest expression.

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Grateful Hearts in Thanksgiving and Advent

As we embrace the season of Thanksgiving and step into Advent, we at Intercultural Mosaics pause to express our heartfelt gratitude for your generous support, prayers, and faithfulness. Your partnership has been instrumental in shaping a community that thrives in diversity, service, and spiritual growth.

This season reminds us of the blessings we share and the hope we hold in Christ, our Emmanuel. Your prayers and contributions have been like a lamp guiding us through the paths of ministry, enabling us to nurture transformational leaders, embrace intercultural unity, and extend God’s love to all.

As we prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of our Savior, let us reflect on the promise of His coming—a light in the darkness and peace that surpasses understanding. May this season fill you with joy, renewal, and deep awareness of His abiding presence.

A Grateful Flame

When leaves of amber kiss the ground,
And thankful hearts in love are found,
We lift our voices, loud and true,
For all God’s grace and gifts through you.

In Advent’s glow, the candles gleam,
A radiant hope, a guiding beam,
For Christ is near, His peace resounds,
In every heart where love abounds.

So, with our hearts, we lift a prayer,
For you, whose faith and gifts we share.
May blessings, bright as stars above,
Embrace your home with endless love.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” — 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18

We invite you to continue partnering with us in this journey of faith and ministry. Here are ways you can support Intercultural Mosaics:

Give Online: Please click following “Give Now” button or scan QR Code to give your love-offerings instantly.

Give by Mail:
Make checks payable to “Davis Community Church” (our sponsoring and partner church) with “Intercultural Mosaics” in the memo.
Mail your tax-deductible donation to:

Brett Kersten, Minister of Finance
Davis Community Church (c/o Intercultural Mosaics)
412 C Street, Davis, CA 95616

Thank you for being a vital part of our ministry. May your Thanksgiving and Advent be filled with the warmth of fellowship and the joy of Christ’s presence.

With gratitude and blessings,

Pastor Stephen

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Leading Through Change with Heart and Faith

Leading Through Change with Heart and Faith

Leadership—it’s more than a role; it’s a calling. It’s that tug deep in your spirit to make a difference, to step into unknowns, and to be a source of courage and direction for others. At its core, leadership is about change. It’s about transformation, both within ourselves and in the lives of those we’re blessed to serve.

But change isn’t always easy, is it? It shakes us up, challenges our comfort, and can bring fear as much as it brings hope. Yet, it’s through change that God shapes us, molds us, and uses us to create something new. In the Bible, we see God calling people—ordinary, imperfect people—to step into change for the sake of a bigger purpose. As we think about what it means to lead others through change, let’s draw from the stories of Moses, Paul, and Jesus. Each of them led through change, leaning into confidence rooted in faith and offering clarity that grounded others. Let’s explore what it means to lead with a heart ready for change.

1. Embracing Change: A Leader’s Own Transformation

If we want to lead others through change, we first have to be willing to go through it ourselves. True change starts with us—it’s personal before it ever becomes public. I think about Moses, who didn’t start off as a confident leader. He was hesitant, doubtful, and even resistant. But God didn’t give up on him. Instead, God met Moses in his hesitation and called him to something greater.

In Exodus 3, God speaks to Moses through a burning bush, calling him to lead his people out of Egypt. Moses didn’t feel up to the task. He doubted his ability and asked, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh?” But God’s response wasn’t a list of qualifications. It was a promise: “I will be with you.” It was that presence, that assurance, that helped Moses step into change, even when he was uncertain.

In leading others, it’s natural to feel inadequate or unprepared. But just like with Moses, God doesn’t expect us to have all the answers or qualifications. He only asks us to be open to the journey, trusting that He will walk with us. The first step in leading through change is allowing ourselves to be changed—letting God transform our fears into faith, our insecurities into trust.

Where are you holding back from change? What would it look like to let God work on your heart first, before trying to lead others? Are you willing to be transformed so you can help others find transformation?

2. Confidence in Faith: Trusting God’s Guidance Through Change

Leading through change requires faith. It’s not about having confidence in our own abilities but about grounding ourselves in the unwavering belief that God is faithful and present. When we trust in God, we find a confidence that goes beyond our own limits, allowing us to lead others with courage even when the road is uncertain.

Think about Joshua. When God called him to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses, he was facing a huge task. God’s words to him were clear: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). Joshua’s confidence didn’t come from his own strength or skills. It came from his faith in God’s promise to be with him.

In Hebrews 11:1, we read that “faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” This kind of faith isn’t about certainty in ourselves; it’s about trusting deeply in God’s presence and purpose, even when the outcome isn’t clear. Jesus embodied this faith in His ministry. When He healed, taught, and ultimately faced the cross, He relied fully on His connection with the Father, leading with a confidence grounded in His trust in God’s plan.

As we lead, are we grounding ourselves in faith or relying solely on our own strength? Are we willing to trust that God will equip us and be with us as we step into change?

3. Communicating with Clarity: Guiding Others with Purpose in Times of Change

When people are facing change, they look to leaders for clarity. It’s natural to feel lost or confused in times of transition, and clear, compassionate communication helps anchor us and those around us. Jesus modeled this beautifully. He didn’t complicate His message or confuse people with endless details. Instead, He spoke simply and directly, using parables and everyday language so that everyone could understand.

Jesus knew that people needed to connect with His message, not just hear it. Through His words, He painted a picture of God’s kingdom that was real and tangible. In the same way, leaders are called to simplify and clarify, especially when things are complex or uncertain. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Leading with clarity means staying rooted in God’s wisdom, asking Him to make our path straight, and sharing that direction with others.

How clear are we in our communication when leading through change? Are we speaking in ways that connect and guide, or are we adding to the confusion? Are we seeking God’s guidance to communicate with a heart that is open, honest, and grounded?

Conclusion: Embracing Change as a Sacred Call

Change is hard. It’s messy, unpredictable, and sometimes downright scary. But as leaders, we’re called to be agents of change—to step into it, to trust God through it, and to bring others along with us. Leading through change is about more than strategy or skills; it’s about letting God transform us, giving us a confidence grounded in faith, and helping us communicate with the clarity that points others back to Him.

Leadership isn’t about always knowing the way forward; it’s about trusting that, as we move forward, God goes before us. It’s about being willing to change ourselves so we can help others find strength and purpose in the midst of uncertainty. May we embrace change with courage, trust in God’s presence, and lead others with hearts open to His transforming power. In the end, it’s God’s work through us that makes the real difference—the kind of difference that echoes in the lives of others long after we’re gone.

May we all be willing to lead in ways that inspire hope, foster faith, and create lasting change. Amen.

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Mosaics Thanksgiving Celebration & Karaoke Night

Grateful Hearts & Joyful Voices: Mosaics Thanksgiving Celebration & Karaoke Night! 🍂🎉

Join us on November 23rd at Phoenix Hall, Davis Community Church (2nd floor), for an unforgettable evening of gratitude, community, and fun! We’ll start with all scheduled classes, and then dive into our Thanksgiving feast at 6 pm. Come hungry for a traditional turkey dinner and bring your favorite homemade dish, dessert, or drink to share with everyone!

🎤 Karaoke Fun & Prizes! 🎤 Sing your heart out during and after dinner for a chance to win a special karaoke prize! Whether you’re a seasoned performer or just want to sing along, there’s a spot for you on our stage!

We’ll also have a raffle prize drawing after dinner—if you have any unused gifts, please consider donating them for the raffle.

Volunteers are needed at 2:30 pm to help decorate, assist in the kitchen, and with cleanup after the party. Together, let’s create a warm and festive space for all to enjoy!

For more info, contact Dr. Stephen Moon at 916-217-5470. We can’t wait to share this Thanksgiving with all of you!

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