All posts by Stephen Moon

Mosaics Summer Retreat

13260196_10206600946478790_4150089552063356653_nMosaics Summer Retreat (June 25-26) will happen at the 40-acre ranch farm, “Eden House,” in Elk Grove rural area where there are lots of fruit trees and organic eggs.

• Fee: $5/person or $10/family with Early Registration (on or before June 12). $10/person or $20/family with Late Registration (on or after June 13). Fee includes 3 meals, lodging and all activities. To take advantage of discounted fee (for Early Registration), please RSVP as “going” at:

• Things to Bring: Your own blanket or sleeping bag, pillow, extra clothes, running shoes, t-shirts, toothbrush, towel, flashlight, mosquito repellent, etc.

• We will gather at 3 pm to start the retreat and will leave next day at 2 pm after lunch. Prior to the retreat, 3 or 4 groups will be formed (with leaders) to engage in team-building activities, preparing meals, group contest and outdoor & indoor games. A detailed retreat activities will be announced soon.

• Please let us know if you would like to serve as a host or a group leader of this event. Leaders and hosts will visit the camping site 1~2 weeks prior to our retreat.

♥ Please RSVP as soon as you can as we will limit the total participants not more than 40 people. If you need a ride or want to know more about this retreat, please call or text Dr. Stephen Moon at 916-217-5470. Thank you. ♥

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First Anniversary of Davis Mosaics

Celebrating the First Anniversary of Davis Mosaics at Davis Community Church (DCC) on April 21, 2016.

Amazing things are happening at DCC! While it’s not visible to many in DCC, our faith community has helped to birth a truly amazing ministry in partnership with Rev. Dr. Stephen Moon. The Davis Mosaics, a new worshiping community that reaches out to young adults, has grown from 2 members to an average of 40 members in the span of 12 months!!! The Davis Mosaics will eventually be a program utilizing the space created within Mosaic Tea & Coffee for their gatherings.

On April 21, 2015, DCC approved this experiment to reach out the Millennials (ages 18-35). Since that time, Davis Mosaics has brought more than 200 Mosaics into their fellowship within a year! Check out their one-year anniversary video. We hope it makes you smile and celebrate a new expression of Christianity occurring right here in our midst.

For more information, please visit: Thank you. Copyright © 2016 Davis Mosaics. All Rights Reserved.

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Mosaics Spring Karaoke Contest

13094167_10206447259756718_3040243929766964133_nWe had a great “Mosaics Spring Karaoke Contest” on Saturday, April 23rd, from 5 to 8:30 pm, at Rurulala Karaoke with 28 Mosaics. The winners were J.E., Kanna, and Carlos. We had a joyful fellowship together in learning foreign languages in singing. Thank you all who joined the event, especially teachers and drivers.

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Trust In You

“Trust In You” by Lauren Daigle

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Davis Mosaics Spring 2016 Schedule

DavisMosaicsSign2016 Davis Spring Class Schedule

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Intercultural Language Classes

DavisMosaics2Happy New Year!

Both Davis Mosaics and Elk Grove Mosaics will start new “Intercultural Language Classes” from Saturday, January 9 & Sunday, January 10, 2016.

<2016 Class Schedule from Jan. 9 to June 25>

From January 9, 2016 our Davis Intercultural Language Classes (ministry of Davis Mosaics) will be scheduled as follow:

“Davis Mosaics” meets every Saturday from 3 pm to 8:30 pm at the 2nd Floor Rooms of Phoenix Hall at Davis Community Church, 412 C St, Davis, CA (Delicious snacks, drinks, dinner & wi-fi are provided for free but we also take desserts and donations)

• 3 to 4 pm: Beginning Russian (teacher: Paul Shabunin) – Room 1
• 4 to 5 pm: Beginning French (teacher: Paul Shabunin) – Room 1
• 4 to 5 pm: Beginning Korean (teacher: Dr. Stephen Moon) – Room 2
• 5 to 5:30 pm: Dinner with Bi-Weekly Arabic Alphabet (teacher: Tasmia Amjad) and Bi-Weekly German (teacher: Ashe Austin) – Room 2
• 5:30 to 6:30 pm: Beginning Japanese (teacher: Kanna Ann Anderson) – Room 1
• 5:30 to 6:30 pm: Beginning Spanish (teacher: Mindy Garvin-Leighton) – Room 2 (until Jan. 30, 2016)
• 5:30 to 7:30 pm: Davis Acoustic Music Meetup Group – Room 2
• 6:30 to 7:30 pm: Beginning Mandarin (teacher: Dr. Shou-I Chen and Albert Chen) – Room 1
• 7:30 to 8:30 pm: Music Fellowship – Room 2

For more information about Davis Intercultural Language Classes, please visit our two meetup sites at: and or our FaceBook Group page at:

cropped-fomtitle.pngFrom January 10, 2016 our Elk Grove Intercultural Language Classes (ministry of Fellowship of Mosaics) will be scheduled as follow:

“Elk Grove Mosaics” meets every Sunday from 3 pm to 8:30 pm at Dr. Stephen Moon’s House in Elk Grove. (Delicious snacks, dinner & wi-fi are also provided for free but feel free to bring drinks, desserts and donations)

• 3 to 4 pm: Beginning Japanese (teachers: Dr. Stephen Moon and Yumi Yasunaga)
• 4 to 5 pm: Beginning Korean (teacher: Dr. Stephen Moon)
• 5 to 6:30 pm: Beginning Mandarin (teachers: Clare Wei & Dr. Feng Oliver Liu)
• 5:15 to 6:15 pm: Beginning Acoustic Guitar and Djembe (guest musicians)
• 6:30 to 7:30 pm: Cooking and Dinner (leaders: Grace Moon and Ian Brown Host KLegend)
• 7:30 to 8:30 pm: Music Fellowship (leaders: Dr. Stephen Moon and guest singers)

For more information about Elk Grove Mosaics: or our FaceBook Group page at:

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Unbroken Praise

“Unbroken Praise” by Matt Redman

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Mosaics Jewelry Craft Night II on December 12

craft2After a successful jewelry crafting event, “Mosaics Jewelry Craft Night” on Saturday, Dec. 5 at the second floor room of Phoenix Hall of the Davis Community Church (home of Davis Mosaics), we decided to have another craft night on Dec. 12 from 4 pm to 8 pm.

This event will be again led by Aida Kong, who is an expert in jewelry design and crafting.

For more information, please visit our meetup site at: -or- our FaceBook group page at:

#davismosaics #millennials

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Mosaics Candlelight Feast

love-romantic-date-candlelightWe have a joint fundraising event, “Mosaics Candlelight Feast,” on Dec. 12, 2015, Saturday at 6:30 pm. Tickets are available online now to purchase at $25 each to benefit Davis Mosaics and Mosaic Tea & Coffee. Please purchase in advance as seats are limited to the first 100 people. Thank you! ‪#‎davismosaics‬ ‪#‎mosaictea‬ ‪#‎davis‬

Tickets are available to purchase at:

Event Details

Mosaics Candlelight Feast to raise funds for the Mosaic Tea & Coffee and Davis Mosaics. This event is limited to first 100 people due to the space.


6:30 pm – 7:00 pm: Reception with Live Music
7:00 pm – 8:45 pm: Programming / Dinner

Birju-Pandya-150BIRJU PANDYA

Birju Pandya focuses on the nexus of money, social good and inner transformation. He is a Managing Director with Armonia, a private equity firm specializing in ‘regenerative investing’ using nature-based solutions. He is also a senior advisor to RSF Social Finance, focusing on projects which facilitate ‘inner impact.’ Birju is a longtime volunteer of ServiceSpace, a non-profit that has been popularizing gift culture through numerous portals. Prior to this, Birju was a consultant with McKinsey & Company. He lives in San Francisco, CA.


Diane is a life time community servant: An infant polio victim herself, at age 6 she knocked on doors collecting funds with the Shriners for polio survivors. Her social activism peaked when she went with African-American leaders to Tanzania’s 6th Pan African Congress to free the last colonized territories and the imprisoned Mandela. At 71 she is enrolled in a UCD post doctorate program in infant mental health. Universally she advocates for children. Locally she is a magical mental health provider and policy maker for infants and children.

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Davis Mosaics on Saturdays

DavisMosaics(official)We reached out 150 people within 8 months and about 50 became regular participants in our Saturday gatherings at Davis Community Church. Davis Mosaics is an unique place of gathering filled with Millennials who are seeking the best out of their lives. We are providing 6 language classes and music fellowship from 3 pm to 8:30 pm at the 2nd Fl. Rooms of the Phoenix Hall in the complex of Davis Community Church. Please pray for us to provide great fellowship for Mosaics in Davis.

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