Dear beloved Mosaics, In light of current news about the outbreak and spread of the COVID-19, we’ve considered what is the most loving and caring thing to do as a loving community. California Gov. Newsom is asking residents to postpone all non-essential gatherings, including small social gatherings, through the end of March. Health officials advise postponing or canceling any gathering of 250 or more.We are taking a precautionary step of not meeting at all starting from this Saturday, March 14 and will not meet until the beginning of May.
No gatherings from this Saturday until we are fully safe!
Grace decided to prepare food for 40 shelter guests at our home rather than at the Fellowship Hall kitchen. We will deliver the food directly to Interfaith Rotating Winter Shelter of Davis by 6 pm this Saturday. So, we are canceling the cooking preparation (originally scheduled from 1 pm to 5:30 pm) at the church this Saturday.From now on, all classes are cancelled until the end of March. We will re-evaluate if we can resume meeting on Saturday, April 4 with potluck dinner (tentative).
We suggest all teachers and group leaders continually connect with students and group members via online video platforms such as Zoom or Skype as well as social media.Grace and I are available to chat or offer prayers over the phone (916-217-5470) or social media during this difficult time. We hope and pray that this pandemic will end soon.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
– Philippians 4:6-7
May God bless you all with protection and provision!
With much love and appreciation,
Dr. Stephen Moon, Mosaics Pastor