Sixth Discernment Team Workshop

Sixth Leadership Training: Discernment Team Workshop on August 9, 2014, 7 pm – 10 pm in Midtown Sacramento, CA

TASK 3: Exploring the Possibilities 

Step 1: Brainstorm Possibilities Based on the Vision | Step 2: Experiment

Scriptures: Luke 10:1-16

1. What were some of the implications of the command to the disciples to “travel light”? What might it mean for you to “travel light”? What is behind Jesus’ sending them out in pairs?

We are in the journey in this world. We came to this world with empty hands and will die with empty hands. Jesus asks us to live a simple life by not possessing our treasures in this world but in heaven. Jesus asks us to focus on mission, spreading the Gospel to non-believers, rather than distracted by our possessions and worldly worries. As we “travel light” with one purpose, winning the lost souls, we will be freed from all distraction and easily mobilized to pursue His mission.

2. What does it mean to have your “peace received”? How might you know when your “peace” is not received and when to shake the dust off”?

Jesus instructs us to approach people with hearts of peace by saying, “shalom” to our neighbors and lost souls. For those who accepts us with hearts of peace followed by their hospitality will be the ones who Jesus prepared. They will easily accept the message of salvation, ” Kingdom of God is near.” However, we must avoid those who reject our words of peace because they are not ready yet.

3. What are the implications for the disciples to “Stay at one home and eat what they set before you”?

It is very important to win one soul after another rather than reaching bulk numbers because the deeper relationship will make them disciples. Jesus also asks us to be humble and thankful whenever we reach out non-believers because most of them are broken and poor in their situations. We will never win souls without showing our genuine love and compassion toward others.

4. How do you respond to the admonition (authoritative counsel or warning) to “heal the sick”?

We have to be careful not to offer our healing prayers to everyone, especially to those who are not ready. If there are enough hospitality and repenting hearts, Jesus will forgive and redeem them through our healing prayers. God is seeking people with humble and peaceful hearts who are ready to be harvested.

Step 3: Evaluating Our New Initiative

Scriptures: Luke 10:17-24

Q &A

1. How did the disciples return from their mission? What did the 70 see upon their return?

They returned with joy as they casted out demons in the name of Jesus. Jesus waned them not too much joyful with the power received from the above but rather rejoice because their names are written in heaven.

2. How did you feel after your new initiative was complete? What did you see happen during your new initiative?

After the site visitation, especially with experience in Davis, we felt strongly that our Macedonians are people live and gather in Davis where so many people are ready to receive the gospels of Christ. We identified the City of Davis as our ultimate harvest field with our new initiative.

3. Where was God in your experience? What have you concluded about your Vision? About your ability to move forward?

God was with us throughout our walkings on the streets of Davis and gave us opportunities to chat with many young people who were thirsty for truth and love. God assured all of our leaders to move forward with our vision and missions, reaching out Millennials in Davis.

What is Our Strategy to Reach Out Community?

1. Pray Us to be laborers of harvest.

2. Go out to our harvest field , City of Davis.

3. Approach people with peace (shalom) to find ones who are ready to be harvest.

4. Proclaim the message, “Kingdom of God is near” to those who gives hospitality.

5. Offer a healing prayer and lead them to repentance to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior.

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