Annual Report to DCC

Davis Mosaics is a New Worshiping Community sponsored by Davis Community Church and led by Rev. Dr. Stephen Moon and supported by the hospitality gifts of Grace Moon.  Davis Mosaics mission is to share God’s love and grace with Millennials through free language, cooking, and music classes, outdoor activities, spirituality-developing events, fellowship, and worship, so that all experience God’s love and grace.

Over the past 5 years more than  1,000+ people have come through the DCC campus and checked out Davis Mosaics. Of those about 120 people are active with Davis Mosaics. Davis Mosaics is true evangelism reaching out to a generation that is primarily unchurched. Though not a part of the mission, 5 people from Davis Mosaics have become members of Davis Community Church and another 8~10 people now also worship with DCC.

Davis Mosaics creates a place of belonging for all…Christian and non-Christian alike. Mosaics is grounded in the spiritual practice of hospitality, enabling us to more fully meet, live with and know our neighbors. Since the original word for hospitality, “philoxenia,” literally means the ‘love of strangers,’ Mosaics is called to create a community of welcome for all, a new expression of Christianity that responds to our changing culture in dynamic ways.

Davis Mosaics compliments the mix of programs at Davis Community Church and reaches people not otherwise reached by DCC. By feeling welcomed at Davis Mosaics, Millennials from the area are exposed to additional programs and possibilities available at Davis Community Church. They consistently invite their friends to join them at Davis Mosaics.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mosaics classes and fellowship have converted to Zoom meetings on Saturdays and Sundays from 3 pm to 8 pm and continue to attract 3~9 new participants weekly.  In addition to 10 Zoom meetings weekly, several small groups are meeting in-person every other week in the community, keeping social distance. Davis Mosaics will resume contemporary fellowship and classes on Saturday afternoons from 3:00 to 8:30 pm at Phoenix Hall in the future. Currently over 400 people are registered as participants with weekly participation averaging 50 people. 60 – 75 people attend special events.

Davis Mosaics is grateful for ALL that Davis Community Church gives to Davis Mosaics: facilities, staff support, pastoral support, financial resources, all with lots of prayer and encouragement.

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