All posts by Stephen Moon

Japanese Cooking Class: Hamburger Steak (ハンバーグステーキ)

Japanese Cooking Class: Hamburger Steak (ハンバーグステーキ)
• Teaching Chéf: Our Advanced Japanese teacher, Mrs. Erika Clark, will teach how to make Japanese dish, “Hambāgu Ste-ki” both with meats and tofu (for vegetarians and vegans).
• Who: First 7 people who RSVP’ed. (It is limited to a small group
• When: 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm on Sunday, March 18, 2018
• as the cooking class will happen in the kitchen)
• Dinner Fellowship: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Japanese Hamburger Steak, or we call it Hambāgu (ハンバーグ) or Hambāgu Ste-ki (ハンバーグステーキ), is a popular dish enjoyed both at home and at Yoshoku (Japanese style western food) restaurants. It’s a steak made from ground meat and usually served with rice rather than buns, which is similar to Salisbury Steak in America.
For more information, please visit: or contact Dr. Stephen Moon at 916-217-5470. Thank you! <3 #mosaics
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Mosaics Chinese New Year Festival

Mosaics will celebrate the Chinese/Korean New Year’s Day on Feb. 17th at Davis Community Church.

Major Activities:

1. Korean Mung Bean Pancake Making from 4 pm.

2. Chinese Dumpling Making from 4 pm.

3. Games and Singing!

We will eat Korean traditional rice cake soup with various dishes.

Please bring your family and friends with drinks and desserts, if you can.

For more information, please visit: or contact Dr. Stephen Moon at 916-217-5470. Thank you! ♥ #mosaics

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Sacramento Intercultural Language Meetup 2018 Spring Schedule

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Davis Intercultural Language Meetup 2018 Spring Schedule

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Please Support Ministries of Mosaics!

We’ve been raised more than $25,000 for the period of 2014-2017 through friends of Mosaics in addition to generous grants from Presbyterian Church (USA). If you would like to continually support our ministries to expand more in 2018-2019, please make tax-deductible love-offering check(s) payable to: “Fellowship of Mosaics” (for Sacramento Mosaics ministries) and/or “Davis Community Church” (for Davis Mosaics ministries) and mail your donation to:

Dr. Stephen Moon, Mosaics Pastor
(c/o Fellowship of Mosaics)
8893 Shasta Lily Drive
Elk Grove, CA 95624


Maria Rodriguez, Minister of Finances
Davis Community Church
(c/o Davis Mosaics)
412 C Street
Davis, CA 95616


Please use PayPal link at: or make financial gifts by using my PayPal email:

Thank you so much for your support! – Dr. Stephen Moon #mosaics


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Mosaics Christmas Karaoke Contest

This is an official joint event for both Davis and Sacramento Mosaics!

Instead of gathering at classrooms, we will gather at karaoke place to practice our languages by singing different languages that we’ve been learning. Please donate raffle prizes, if you can.

• When: From 5 pm to 8 pm on Saturday, December 23, 2017
• Where: Rurulala, 9721 Folsom Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95827
• Who: First 25 people who are RSVP’ed
• Cost: $5 or more donation
• Prize: Best Singer, Best Duet/Group Singers, Best Dancer and Raffle Prizes

Please make your RSVP at: 

For more information, please contact Stephen at 916-217-5470. Thank you! ♥ #mosaics

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Mosaics Christmas Candlelight Festival

This is an official joint event for both Davis and Sacramento Mosaics!

We are celebrating Christmas on Saturday, December 16 this year and invite all of you and your friends+family to the Christmas feast, music and games ! We will make this year’s Christmas festival as our special “teachers appreciation” event. All classes will be held as scheduled.

1. Please bring side dishes, desserts and/or drinks to share with others.

2. Please bring one gift (price range $10~15) to exchange during Christmas gift exchange time.

3. Please donate money or gifts for teachers, raffle prizes, if you can.

4. If you are talented in music or storytelling, please prepare as we will sing and share our stories at open-microphone stage.

For more information, please visit our FB group event at: or contact Stephen at 916-217-5470. Thank you! ♥

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Mosaics Thanksgiving Feast

We are celebrating this year’s Thanksgiving on Saturday, November 18 in Davis and on Sunday, November 19 in Sacramento.

We encourage you to bring your family and friends for a great fellowship as we will have plenty of delicious dishes and desserts.

Please also bring side dishes or desserts to share with everyone, if you can.

All classes will held as usual.

Thank you!! ♥ #mosaics

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Mosaics 3rd Annual Halloween Festival: Costume & Dance Contests

This is an official event of Davis Mosaics and Fellowship of Mosaics.
<Mosaics 3rd Annual Halloween Festival and Contests>
• Best Creative Costume Prizes: Samsung Gear VR, Fire HD 8 Tablet with Alexa and much more prizes (We accept any prize donations)
• Pumpkin Carving Contest: Prizes (Pumpkins and basic carving tools will be provided, however, we encourage bring your own carving tools)
• K-Pop or Other Dancing and Singing Contest: Prizes
• Potluck Dinner: Delicious Foods and Drinks (Non-alcoholic)
• Raffle Prizes for all participants
Please RSVP at: to enter the costume, pumpkin carving and K-Pop dancing contests. First 12 people who RSVP’ed will receive a special goodie bag. 🙂
For those who would like to help decorating rooms with Halloween or Thanksgiving themes, please come to the Phoenix Hall, 2nd floor rooms, by 2 pm.
We would like to receive donations: prizes, foods, desserts, decorative pumpkins, and drinks.
For more information, please contact Dr. Stephen Moon at 916-217-5470. Thank you! <3 #mosaics
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Mosaics Fall Hiking & Picnic: Alta Sierra Biblical Gardens

This is a joint event for Davis Mosaics and Fellowship of Mosaics!
• Who: All mosaics family and friends (with babies and toddlers)
• When: Saturday, Oct. 14 from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm
• Where: Parking Lot of Alta Sierra Biblical Gardens, 16343 Auburn Road, Grass Valley, CA 95949. We will meet at the parking lot at 10:30 am.
• Carpooling Location: Davis Community Church  (DCC) Staff Parking Lot on D Street entrance. We will gather by 9 am to depart together. All drivers and passengers, please come to DCC parking lot by 8:50 am. It’s 65 miles or 1 hour driving from DCC.
• Things to Bring: Waters and your own lunch and/or snacks to share. We will gather at picnic area to have lunch together around 12:30~1 pm.
• Hiking Leaders: Paul Shabunin and Stephen Moon
• No classes in Davis on Saturday, Oct. 14 and in Sacramento on Sunday, Oct. 15. We will have conversational language classes during the hiking and picnic. 🙂
About Alta Sierra Biblical Gardens:
Alta Sierra Biblical Garden is one-of-kind, mini “Garden of Eden” that you must see. It is surrounded with beautiful nature, biblical monuments and trails. Please check following sites for more information.
Please RSVP at: as Grace Moon will prepare Korean Sushi and delicious desserts for everyone. Please also post if you will bring extra side dishes, drinks, fruits and desserts. For more information, please contact Dr. Stephen Moon at 916-217-5470. Thank you!!
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