Davis Mosaics
When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. – Mark 6:34a, NIV
Davis Mosaics is a New Worshiping Community sponsored by Davis Community Church and partnering with Mosaic Tea & Coffee. Our mission is to share God’s love and grace with college students and young professionals through free language classes, cooking, music, spirituality-developing events and fellowship. Our vision is to reach out to Millennials so they experience God’s love and grace.
Davis Mosaics creates a place of belonging for all… Christian and non-Christian alike. Mosaic is grounded in the spiritual practice of hospitality, enabling us to more fully meet, live with and know our neighbors. Since the original word for hospitality, “philoxenia,” literally means the ‘love of strangers,’ we feel called to create a community of welcome for all. We are a new expression of Christianity that responds to our changing culture in dynamic ways.
Davis Mosaics exists to build authentic “koinonia” (Acts 2:42-47) while pursuing the Great Commandment (Matt. 22:36-40) and the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:16-20 & 2 Cor. 10:15b), specifically for the Mosaic Generation (“Gen Y” or “Millennials” and “Gen Z”) in Davis and its surrounds. We do our best to achieve these visions:
- Revival of church through fervent prayers and faithful actions (Heb. 11 & James 2:17-18) instructed by the Word of God with the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Healing and mobilization of the Mosaic Generation to be used as harvest workers of Jesus Christ (Luke 10) for the expansion of the kingdom of God (“The Great Commission”).
- Building and rebuilding of communities of faith, hope and love (Acts 2 & 1 Cor. 13) to glorify God (“The Great Commandment”).
Join us for a contemporary inter-faith/intercultural Mosaics fellowship Saturday afternoons from 3 pm to 8:30 pm at the 2nd floor of the Phoenix Hall. Rev. Dr. Stephen & Grace Moon lead the group of 40~50 who gather weekly. Davis Mosaics is developing its leadership team of Millennials with bi-weekly leadership training.
Davis Mosaics numbers grow as we have 3~5 new comers weekly. Currently over 250 people are registered as participants with weekly participation averaging 45 people.
- Rev. Dr. Stephen & Grace Moon started classes at DCC since March 14, 2015.
- The DCC session approved Rev. Dr. Stephen Moon to lead a New Worshiping Community, “Davis Mosaics” (partnering with Mosaic Tea & Coffee) on April 21, 2015.
- Davis Mosaics was approved as a “New Worshiping Community (NWC)” by the Administrative Commission for New Worshiping Communities (ACNWC), Presbytery of Sacramento on October 13, 2015.
- Davis Mosaics was approved by the Mission Development Resources Committee (MDRC) of the PC(USA) on November 20, 2015 as a New Worshiping Community (Project #1551).