Mosaics Summer Retreat at Lake Tahoe, NV
from 3 pm to 11 am
Zephyr Point Conference Center
GPS Coordinates: N 39 0 7.8 W 119 57 22.8
$20/person including lodging and meals
Mosaics Summer Retreat at Beautiful Zephyr Point, Nevada!! Direction: Coming from Sacramento on Hwy. 50 travel through South Lake Tahoe. Zephyr Point is 4 miles from Stateline, Nevada, on the lake side (left). Arriving from I-80 take Hwy 267 from Truckee to Kings Beach. At Kings Beach take a Left on Hwy. 28 to Hwy. 50, then Right headed south to Zephyr Point (1/2 mile beyond Zephyr Cove Resort) (4 miles from Cave Rock Tunnel)There are 20 places available.