Leadership Prayer Gathering



<A picture from our Saturday worship service on June 28, 2014 at Parkview Church Social Hall>

God is not only seeking a prepared person but also prepares a person who is ready to serve Him. 

One thing I learned from ministry is that a leader keeps his/her time, words, and missions with God and others. 

Stewardship is all about managing everything (gifts, time, provisions, missions, etc) according to His will and surrendering oneself to God all the time for His glory so that God can use him/her as His instrument over and over again.

Without separating oneself with the world, it is very hard to serve the Lord, Jesus.

I pray that God will use the Fellowship of Mosaics to reach out the Millennials effectively as Satan is stealing their hearts in these days. May God bring more faithful servants to the Fellowship of Mosaics so that our ministry spheres will be expanded and more people will be saved for the glory of God. Let our worship music and preaching to be pleasing aroma to God!

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