Here are the statistics for Intercultural Mosaics as of September 19, 2023:
Church Influence and Success:
- Our measure of a healthy church goes beyond physical success; it emphasizes impact and influence.
- We believe that influence begins from within through personal transformation before it can affect others.
Pandemic and Current Engagement:
- Prior to the pandemic, our outreach efforts reached over 1,500 attendees and welcomed 3-7 new visitors each week.
- During the pandemic, we adapted and engaged with over 800 individuals through Zoom, with 75-100 participants joining us weekly.
- Our engagement is diverse, with 200 active members representing 25 different ethnicities and spanning multiple generations.
Intercultural Growth and Connection:
- We’ve fostered multifaceted meetups with 2,544 registered participants and have organized a staggering 5,100 events to date.
- Our digital presence is strong, boasting a website with 40,979 subscribers and a dynamic Facebook Group with 300 active members.
- As we continue to expand, we project the addition of more than 150 new participants in 2024, embracing both virtual and physical avenues of connection.