How To Support Mosaics?


We’ve been raised more than $25,000 for the period of 2014-2015 on our first fundraising event through friends of Mosaics.

Now, more than ever, we need your help to sustain our ministry as we are currently running the ministry without enough fund. Pastor Stephen Moon is also looking for half-time “tent-making” job.

With two semi-annual fundraisers, Davis Mosaics raised total of $17,205 + additional FB GivingTuesday match fund in 2020 in addition to our regular pledges and offering.

We need to raise additional $18,000 in 2021.

If you would like to continually support our ministries to expand more in 2021-2022, please make tax-deductible love-offering check(s) payable to: “Davis Community Church” (for Davis Mosaics on the note) and mail your donation to:

Brett Kersten, Interim Minister of Finances, Davis Community Church (c/o Davis Mosaics), 412 C Street, Davis, CA 95616

Please click following “Give Now” button or scan QR Code to give your love-offerings instantly.

Thank you so much for your prayer and financial support!

Dr. Stephen Moon #mosaics

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A Mosaic of Gratitude

A Mosaic of Gratitude
In 2020, Mosaics had two FaceBook fundraisers.

1. Faith Fundraiser for Davis Mosaics during COVID-19 Pandemic with a goal of $5,000 (March 31 – June 26, 2020): We raised $4,440: FB Fundraiser in the amount of $2,340, plus our donation site (Foundation account), and checks by mail in the amount of $2,100.

2. 2020 Year-End Fundraiser to Support Mosaics with a goal of $12,000 (Nov. 19 – Dec. 31, 2020): We raised $12,765 as of Dec. 31, 2020. FB Fundraiser in the amount of $4,525, plus our donation site, and checks by mail in the amount of $8,240 (with a huge donation of $7,250 on Dec. 21, 2020). FB will match portion of our FB fundraiser in early January. So, we expect it will be more than $13,000.

With two semi-annual fundraisers, Davis Mosaics raised total of $17,205 + additional FB GivingTuesday match fund in 2020 in addition to our regular pledges and offering.

During the pandemic, we converted all of our classes into Zoom meetings, offering 10 language classes, music class, Bible study and meditation class and events, which have been drawing more than 200 new participants.

We have 70~80 Zoom average participants each week and continue growing. For more information, please check our 2021 class schedule at:

As of Dec. 31, Davis Mosaics have total of 1,713 registered participants in our Intercultural Language and Music Meetups and about 200 active regular participants in our Intercultural Fellowship of Mosaics. For the past 5 years, we had 2,807 meetup events (classes). We are growing organically by attracting people from Sacramento Metro Area, Davis, Vacaville, Fairfield, Bay Area, other states and even other countries. We expect to bring 200~300 new participants in 2021.

Grace and I are so grateful for the support of DCC and love of staff as we continue working together in partnership, building intercultural ministries in Davis.

While I continue seeking a part-time/half-time job to meet our needs (by working as a “tent-maker”) without any financial support for our own housing and salary, God listened our prayers and abundantly provided. We are so blessed to receive unexpected income through PUA (pandemic unemployment benefits from EDD) since April of 2020, which has been not only providing us to sustain our lives but also qualified us to continue receiving CoveredCA health coverage in 2021 that requires minimum of $24K+ income verification.

I’m also blessed to serve the Nominating Committee of the newly combined North Central California Presbytery since April of 2020, which is rewarding experience.

Grace and I reconfirmed the importance of reaching out Millennials, the lost generation, during the pandemic and found that the key to succeed is providing continuous love, kindness and compassion.

Although God seemed far away from me for a while (like how Job in the Bible felt), I realized that God was always within and near me. Persistence (with patience) and hope are what we all need as the Scriptures say, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Gal. 6:9). “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:3-5).

Thank you again for love of DCC and your prayers!

Joyfully in Christ,

Stephen Moon

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Happy New Year!

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

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Mosaics Karaoke Festival

We are so grateful to celebrate 2020 Christmas and 2021 New Year together!

Mosaics is also celebrating its 7th anniversary and invites all Mosaics family and friends to our year-end karaoke festival with joyful fellowship in singing!

You don’t have to sing at all but highly encourage to prepare to sing at least 1 song in any language for prizes.

The Zoom site will open at 4:30 pm for those who want to chat early:

For more information, please visit our FB group event page at: or contact Dr. Stephen Moon at 916-217-5470 or

Thank you so much!

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Mosaics Intercultural Classes Schedule

Mosaics Intercultural Classes effective from February 12, 2021

❤ Friday Zoom Site:

• Conversational Chinese with Allie Lin: 5 pm on 2nd and 4th Fridays

❤ Saturday Zoom Site:

• Conversational Korean with Stephen Moon: 3 pm on Saturdays

• Intermediate Korean with Stephen Moon: 4 pm on Saturdays

• Mandarin Chinese with Mengyuan Xiao: 5 pm on Saturdays

• Japanese with Tom Norio Sakaishi and Jun Kanazawa: 6 pm on Saturdays

• English Learners Group led by Chadbourne & Linda Andrews: 7 pm on Saturdays

❤ Sunday Zoom Site:

• Spanish with Vivi Ana: 2 pm on Saturdays

• French with Seth Browner: 3 pm on Sundays

• Beginning Korean with Stephen Moon: 4 pm on Sundays

• German with Honnalore Steissberg: 5 pm on Sundays

• Bible Study Group led by Stephen Moon: 6 pm on Sundays

Thank you so much for joining Mosaics and hope to see you soon!

Dr. Stephen & Grace Moon

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Mosaics 7th Anniversary Thanksgiving Fundraiser

Mosaics 7th Anniversary Thanksgiving Fundraiser

Want to join me in supporting a good cause? I’m raising money for Davis Mosaics and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support.

Facebook Donation Link:

Facebook will be matching $7 million in donations on GivingTuesday, Dec 1 and hope you can donate big on that day!

Facebook is also paying all the processing fees for you, so 100% of your donation goes directly to Davis Mosaics via Davis Community Church.

If you prefer to make donation to our online donation account directly, please click following “Give Now” button or scan QR Code to give your love-offerings instantly.

You may also write tax-deductible love-offering check(s) payable to: “Davis Community Church” (for Davis Mosaics on the note of your check) and mail your donation to:

Brett Kersten, Interim Minister of Finances, Davis Community Church (c/o Davis Mosaics), 412 C Street Davis, CA 95616

Your generous donation in any amount will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much for your support and prayer!!

Dr. Stephen & Grace Moon

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Comunidad Open-air Show


@ Central Park Gardens of Davis

“COMUNIDAD: Honoring Community and Cultural Leaders during Covid-19″

Local artist Stephanie Thayer was inspired to do this project when quarantine started due to COVID-19, in part to keep busy, but ultimately to honor members of Davis and Sacramento who give back through activism, volunteering, art, music, dance, and to uplift the community in these uncertain times.  Stephanie hopes that her series inspires others to feel connected despite our physical distance, remember that we are still a “comunidad,” if you will, and hopes to bring a smile to your face. In this series Stephanie used colored pencils for the faces of the community members, and acrylic paint for the backgrounds. 

Stephanie says, “I am happy to announce that Comunidad, my portrait series that highlights Davis and Sacramento community members who give back, will finally be up for all of you to see! This will be an open-air viewing, where portraits will be spread out on easels on the grass in Central Park so that you can safely enjoy the artwork while maintaining a safe distance from others. Stores and restaurants will be open so feel free to grab a bite to eat and support your local businesses while downtown as well. This project is funded in part by a grant from the Davis Arts and Cultural Affairs program, and with the support of the International House. I also want to give a HUGE shout-out to Kate Mellon-Anibaba for her tireless work in grant-writing, planning, logistics, PR and so much more! You are amazing! Please wear a mask and adhere to physical distancing guidelines while attending. Hope to see you there!”


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Mosaics Fall Zoom Classes

Mosaics Fall Zoom Classes effective from September 10, 2020 through November 22, 2020 on Saturdays and Sundays!

Friday Zoom Site:

1) Conversational Spanish with Vivi Ana: 5 pm on Fridays (since 9/11)

2) Conversational German with Hanna Steissberg: 6 pm on Fridays (since 9/25)

Saturday Zoom Site:

3) Spanish with Vivi Ana and Yormy Diaz: 3 pm on Saturdays (since 4/25)

4) Intermediate Korean with Stephen Moon: 4 pm on Saturdays (since 4/17)

5) Mandarin Chinese with Mengyuan Xiao: 5 pm on Saturdays (since 3/21)

6) French with Seth Browner: 6 pm on Saturdays (since 3/21)

7) Japanese with Tom Norio Sakaishi and Jun Kanazawa: 7 pm on Saturdays (since 3/28)

8) English Learners Group led by Chad & Linda Andrews: 8 pm on Saturdays (since 3/20)

Sunday Zoom Site:

9) Beginning Vietnamese with Katrina Tran: 3 pm on Sundays (since 4/10)

10) Beginning Korean with Stephen Moon: 4 pm on Sundays (since 3/27)

11) German with Hanna Steissberg: 5 pm on Sundays (since 4/12)

12) Bible Study Group led by Stephen Moon: 6 pm on Sundays (since 4/12)

Please check our meetup site at: or our FB group page at: for more information.

Thank you so much! 

Dr. Stephen Moon, Mosaics

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Annual Report to DCC

Davis Mosaics is a New Worshiping Community sponsored by Davis Community Church and led by Rev. Dr. Stephen Moon and supported by the hospitality gifts of Grace Moon.  Davis Mosaics mission is to share God’s love and grace with Millennials through free language, cooking, and music classes, outdoor activities, spirituality-developing events, fellowship, and worship, so that all experience God’s love and grace.

Over the past 5 years more than  1,000+ people have come through the DCC campus and checked out Davis Mosaics. Of those about 120 people are active with Davis Mosaics. Davis Mosaics is true evangelism reaching out to a generation that is primarily unchurched. Though not a part of the mission, 5 people from Davis Mosaics have become members of Davis Community Church and another 8~10 people now also worship with DCC.

Davis Mosaics creates a place of belonging for all…Christian and non-Christian alike. Mosaics is grounded in the spiritual practice of hospitality, enabling us to more fully meet, live with and know our neighbors. Since the original word for hospitality, “philoxenia,” literally means the ‘love of strangers,’ Mosaics is called to create a community of welcome for all, a new expression of Christianity that responds to our changing culture in dynamic ways.

Davis Mosaics compliments the mix of programs at Davis Community Church and reaches people not otherwise reached by DCC. By feeling welcomed at Davis Mosaics, Millennials from the area are exposed to additional programs and possibilities available at Davis Community Church. They consistently invite their friends to join them at Davis Mosaics.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mosaics classes and fellowship have converted to Zoom meetings on Saturdays and Sundays from 3 pm to 8 pm and continue to attract 3~9 new participants weekly.  In addition to 10 Zoom meetings weekly, several small groups are meeting in-person every other week in the community, keeping social distance. Davis Mosaics will resume contemporary fellowship and classes on Saturday afternoons from 3:00 to 8:30 pm at Phoenix Hall in the future. Currently over 400 people are registered as participants with weekly participation averaging 50 people. 60 – 75 people attend special events.

Davis Mosaics is grateful for ALL that Davis Community Church gives to Davis Mosaics: facilities, staff support, pastoral support, financial resources, all with lots of prayer and encouragement.

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Community of Faith, Hope & Love